Do you have a pixel?


Do you have a Pixel?

This is the first question I ask all new clients at the start of our relationship together and these are the various responses I get:

  • I think so, but I don’t know what it is.

  • What’s a pixel?

  • How do I know if I have?

  • I’ve heard about a pixel, but it confuses me. Why do I need it?

  • Yes, but I don’t know how to use it.

You get the picture. So let me explain…

What is a Facebook Pixel?

A Facebook pixel is a piece of code generated by Facebook, which is entirely unique to your ads manager account. This pixel is added to your website and sits there gathering lots of rich data about the people who visit. Cool eh?!

Anyone who visits your site whilst logged into Facebook – and let’s be honest how many of us actually log out – will be sharing their information with your pixel. Don’t worry if you have a cookies policy on your site then you’ll have all the legal bits covered.

It’s worth getting a pixel onto your site, even if you have no intention of running any ads for a while. As all the time that piece of code is there it will be ‘seasoning’ and collecting useful information which could be used at a later date.


Ok, so what do I do with this data?

This is the REALLY cool bit. This is where the pixel proves its worth. That tiny piece of code enables you to employ some powerful ninja targeting to entice warm audiences to your products or services.


You can use the information stored on the pixel in your Facebook ads in the following way:

  • Retarget the people who have visited your website

  • Build audiences who look like the people who have visited your site

How do I get the pixel if I don’t have it?

To access your unique pixel you need to log into your ads manager and click on the ‘burger’ in the top left corner. You’ll then see an option to select pixels. Once on this page, you can choose to ‘Add a new data source’ and Facebook will then walk you through creating your pixel code.

Installing it onto your website

Installing the pixel isn’t a hard or big job, you’ll need to supply a web developer with the information Facebook has generated and Facebook has made it super easy because they supply you with emailable instructions on how to do this.

So, I’ll ask again…. Do you have the Pixel installed?

Contact me now if you’d like to find out more about the Facebook Pixel and how ads could help your business.
